Element 84 Polonium

We found ourselves in the beautiful Temple of Khonsu (son of Rameses II) at Karnak where we chose to activate the element Polonium associated with the crystal Sphalerite and the plant oil Vetiver which was commonly used in ancient Egypt as a general remedy.  The crystal Sphalerite is an earth and fire element and is connected with physical strength and vitality, grounding and balance.

The Temple of Khonsu holds a beautiful energetic space and it was one we found a great connection with.  We experienced a strong connection to past and future realities all at the same time. We were very moved by what occurred here.  One of our group had past life recall of a life in ancient Egypt and heard the words "going home" as we approached the temple.  

It was a beautiful activation in a beautiful temple with an amazing group of women.  Thank you so much for the respect and honour you hold for this work.  I am extremely grateful to all who are participating with us energetically as well as in person.

Polonium Speaks: I am Polonium and I bring to you the unification of many beings.  My message to you is to not discriminate between others no matter your inclinations.  All must be considered one for humankind to move forward.  I bring to you the joy of union with all beings.  Ecstasy is at the height of all experience.

My Meditation: I cross the inner bridges which lead to my growth, opening to the etheric realms, the world of nature and the land of the heart. I bring myself into communion with past, present and future dimensions of life.

To learn more about this work, check out Bev's ebook "Inner Resonance" at  https://www.amazon.com/Inner-Resonance-Beverley-Howarth-ebook/dp/B00SM2U9UE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487525975&sr=8-1&keywords=inner+resonance+beverley+howarth

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