Element 34 Selenium

We energetically connected with the island of Philae where the remains of the original temple are situated.  There, at the Old Gate to Isis Garden where it is said the right leg of Osiris is buried, we activated the element Selenium associated with the crystal Selenite and the essential oil Orris Root.  We were immediately connected with the moon as selenite takes us into the higher realms and is associated with moon energy.  Some of us experienced expansion in the brain and others reported that they were nodding off throughout the activation.  One person reported that she felt that she stubbed her toe on the side of the pillar as she walked through the gate and raised the dust from the ground into the air.  She then saw herself with her feet in the water with the moon reflected on it which caused the pain in her left big toe to cease.  Another had a sense of bluish vapour moving up her body and into her heart as it moved upward.  It was a very pleasant feeling.  Another said it was difficult to see the truth, as though the element itself is a mystery.  Others felt drawn into the energy and felt gentle safety.  Another heard Isis weeping for Osiris and then saw an image of Jesus on the cross and realised it is a place of resurrection.  Another saw her entire crystalline structure lighting up.

Selenium Speaks: I am Selenium and I bring to you the mysteries of the moon and her journey as she orbits both the earth and the sun, gathering energy and wisdom.  You have much to share with your fellow humans and when you shine from your inner core, you appear enfolded in the mysteries as you reflect the light to all others.

My Meditation: I move into union with my higher self and my interior senses are awakened.  I am a shining light reflecting my soft, tender light to all who are  in my world.

To learn more about this work, check out Bev's ebook "Inner Resonance" at  https://www.amazon.com/Inner-Resonance-Beverley-Howarth-ebook/dp/B00SM2U9UE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487525975&sr=8-1&keywords=inner+resonance+beverley+howarth

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Beverley Howarth