Element 33 Arsenic

We activated the element Arsenic connected with the crystal Arsenopyrite and the essential oil Vetiver.  We energetically connected with the beautiful Temple of Isis at Philae on the island of Agilika in Lake Nasser.  Many of us reported feeling a strong heart expansion and feeling very solid.  One member in our group spoke of her experience where she saw Isis standing at the top of the stairs to the temple shaking a sistrum and the earth sang an angelic song. 

As the element arose into the higher realms, the moon appeared above her head and it was rotating with a deep sound of its vibration.  Another of our group reported the energy moving up her right leg and moving into the higher realms and on its return, she again felt the energy moving in her right leg. 

She looked down and her foot was resting on an image of the periodic table of elements on the element arsenic.  Another saw herself in the Holy of Holies at the temple with her hands on the altar and a feeling of surrender.  It was mentioned that arsenic was used in gold mining and there are many places in Australia where the land surrounding old mines still carries much arsenic.

Arsenic Speaks: Although I am known to be poisonous I have many other qualities which you need to sustain life.  I connect you with your heart and help you to make heart-based decisions.  Walk with me without fear as I connect you with both the light and the dark in all things.

My Meditation: The earth is my home in this lifetime and it feels good to be here. As I ground myself into my physical body I am appreciative of all that surrounds me in this beautiful world.

To learn more about this work, check out Bev's ebook "Inner Resonance" at  https://www.amazon.com/Inner-Resonance-Beverley-Howarth-ebook/dp/B00SM2U9UE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487525975&sr=8-1&keywords=inner+resonance+beverley+howarth

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